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Green Schools

Our Green Schools Committee has been formed and we are ready to embrace our new theme – Global Citizenship Marine Environment. This theme ties in with Global Goal number 14, Life Below Water. The theme should prove very interesting as we will be exploring life below water, life cycles of some sea animals, invasive species, plastic litter pollution etc. While working on this new theme it is also important to maintain our work on the previous themes. This is achieved through the various activities we participate in during the year. As part of the Travel theme we encourage ways of travelling to school in a sustainable manner. With this in mind our first event in September is Walk to School Week 19th – 23rd and we will be asking you to encourage your child to walk to school that week and as often as is possible during the year. Climate Action Week will be happening in October and we will be addressing this in some of the classes during the month. For all readers there is a Global Goals Book Club Global Goals Book Club – Green-Schools (

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